Who am I? – Christopher Yardin

I am just an Aussie bloke who seeks time to voyage, shoot, ride, get roughed up by waves, and hang out with his family.

I am an avid cycling and motorsport fan who has a passion for riding bicycles (road and mountain), travelling on journeys (in Australia and around the world), photography, and spending time with my family (both my direct and extended members around the world). Some people call me a gadget fiend, but being a father has curbed that passion quite a bit. With the birth of my son, I have found again the journey of discovery through his cheeky eyes!

Pok and Daddy in the NTThe photo above is of me and the “Pok”, which is one of the many nicknames we have for our son. Because I have named this blog partly after him, I want to use the blog as a way to communicate positive and sometimes funny stories. And I look forward to uncovering other writer’s blogs and their stories.

You will uncover more about me through this blog – but for now, that’s all. Thanks for having a read.