Archives for posts with tag: Darling Harbour

Nothing to say, just the photo.


Nothing to say, just the photo (albeit noisy).


This weekend in Sydney is the International Fleet Review which celebrates the the centenary of the first entry of the Royal Australian Navy’s Fleet into Sydney. It kicked off yesterday in grand naval style by the tall ships entering Sydney Harbour. I missed the sight as I was glued to a desk and a computer screen, but the walk home across Darling Harbour offered me the opportunity to see the tall ships moored up next to the Sydney Maritime Museum. It is quite a beautiful sight seeing the rigging and sails gathered up around the booms while the boats peacefully rest in dock. I will be going to see some of the international naval ships on Monday and hopefully catch a glance of a few others around the Harbour on Saturday and Sunday. There will be a flyover on Saturday morning too of helicopters and jets, so the camera is going to get a bit of a workout this weekend.

So here is a taste of some maritime goodness. More to come…


So Australia Day 2013 is nearing an end, and we have enjoyed it in true Aussie fashion. This morning we headed to Balmoral beach and splashed about in Sydney Harbour. We were blessed today with some sweltering hot Australian Summer weather. Getting back home soon after lunch allowed us to have a lazy afternoon in the heat, and there may have been a snooze in there too. The Triple-J Hottest 100 countdown was blaring over the radio as the soundtrack for the day.

We kicked off the evening with a BBQ featuring lamb sausages (because Sam Kekovich told us too). I was incredibly un-Australian because I didn’t cremate them, they were cooked just right.


Australia Day 2013 - BBQ

We are lucky in that we are walking distance to the city of Sydney, and every year on Australia Day they put on a cool firework display at Darling Harbour. Of course it pales in comparison to the New Year’s Eve fireworks over Sydney Harbour, but it is fireworks nonetheless. It did not dawn on us until we got there that this was the first time the Pok (our 2 year old son) would get to see a firework show. I was not sure whether he would be dazzled or scared – as it turned out it was very much the former. Here he is getting ready for the show (and we had to equip him with a light sword of sorts).

Australia Day 2013 - #1

Of course he would assume his regular viewing position for the show, and I have to tell you that it is a bit more difficult shooting with 15+ kg on your shoulders. He later yelled out to us “I like this Daddy, I like this Mommy!”, which brought a big smile to our faces.

Australia Day 2013 - #2

It was quite busy with thousands of other Aussie revelers around, so most of the shots I got were with other people in the foreground. I think it adds a little to the effect, and the reality was that this was a celebration for everyone to enjoy together as Australians. BTW all the photos link through to larger images on my Flickr photostream. Happy Australia Day – to all the original Australians and all the rest of us “boat” people who came after!

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